This type represents the spec of how the Gobstones Language code should be translated
as a specific locale. A locale definition can therefore consist of an object containing
all the required Abstract Token names to a specific Gobstones Localized names mappings,
or an object containing only some of those mappings but specifying the extends key,
referencing another locale by it's registered with such a name.
If you wish to extend an existing locale, provide an object with the extends key
with the name of a built-in supported locale or user defined locale that was previously
registered to a translator. Then, add all keys that you wish to
override from the extended locale. The following example extends from base english and
overrides just the name used for the Color type in the locale (using Colour, as the british
{ extends: 'en', GBS_TYPE_COLOR: 'Colour' }
If that you wish is to create a new locale altogether, then you need to provide an
object that satisfies the LocaleTokens interface, providing a specific
translation for each of the required tokens.
This type represents the spec of how the Gobstones Language code should be translated as a specific locale. A locale definition can therefore consist of an object containing all the required Abstract Token names to a specific Gobstones Localized names mappings, or an object containing only some of those mappings but specifying the
key, referencing another locale by it's registered with such a name.If you wish to extend an existing locale, provide an object with the
key with the name of a built-in supported locale or user defined locale that was previously registered to a translator. Then, add all keys that you wish to override from the extended locale. The following example extends from base english and overrides just the name used for the Color type in the locale (using Colour, as the british spelling).Example
If that you wish is to create a new locale altogether, then you need to provide an object that satisfies the LocaleTokens interface, providing a specific translation for each of the required tokens.